Contract Management

Contract Management

Access the Contracts menu through any of the following methods:

  • Typing /contracts in the chat.

  • Selecting Contracts from the Single Snipe Menu.

  • Choosing Contracts on the /wallet Menu.

Select Contract

Select a contract for trading using the Select Contract option. Sonic Snipe Bot displays a list of available contracts ordered from most recent to least recent. Each contract shows:

  • Total Tokens: The total number of tokens across all wallets.

  • Total Initial Price: The cumulative price paid across all wallets.

  • Total Worth: The current total worth across all wallets.

  • Wallets List: A list of wallets that have bought the contract.


  • Transfer Tokens: Click 'Transfer' to move tokens between contracts.

  • Select a Contract: Choose the desired contract by clicking its associated button.

  • Delete a Contract: Remove a contract by pressing 'Delete' next to its name.

  • Select Wallet: Prior to selecting a contract, choose the wallet you want to trade from, especially if you hold the same tokens in multiple wallets.

After selecting a contract, the Single Snipe Menu will display the selected wallet and contract. To return to the Contracts Menu, click "Contracts".

Transferring Tokens Between Wallets

Detailed guide for transferring tokens between wallets.

We advise exporting Wallet Keys & Transferring Through Metamask or Trust Wallet. Please Test Transfer's With Small Amounts before continuing with Large Amounts.

Steps to Transfer Tokens

  1. Select the Wallet: Confirm the wallet from which you want to transfer tokens.

  2. Initiate Transfer: Click the 'Transfer' option next to the token name.

  3. Startup Password: Enter your startup password if set. Skip this step if no password was configured.

  4. Specify Transfer Amount: Choose the percentage of tokens to transfer (1-100%).

  5. Recipient Wallet Address: Input or paste the address of the receiving wallet.

  6. Confirm Transfer: Complete the transfer by typing or pasting "confirm".

Note: Ensure the compatibility of tokens and wallets. Double-check all transfer details for accuracy.

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